First up was Simon Gregory from Tantrums, who ran through some of his band's tracks, albeit stripped back to just vocals and a (borrowed) guitar. I'm a big fan of Tantrums, they are a group who are doing interesting and fun things on the Birmingham music scene at the moment, and they have made a great leap forward since Anna Palmer (of Little Palm fame) came into the fold. However, this evening, without the backing of the band's solid rhythm section and crazy guitar antics, even crackers like 'Make Ya Feel Hype' seem a tad lacklustre. That's not knocking the songwriting here, it's just that once you've seen Tantrums in their full glory, hearing their songs played like this just isn't the same.
Now, I haven't seen Your Biggest Fanclub for a year or so, and I remember last time feeling somewhat confused by their direction. Not tonight though. It seems since my last encounter they have found their sound, and bloody loud it was too. Then there is the riffs. Oh, the riffs. Imagine QOTSA flogging the corpse of Hendrix (If that makes sense?) and you come somewhere close to imagining how massive Thom's guitar sounds. You wouldn't imagine they are a three-piece, that's for sure. Ash and Ed provide a steady backbone for some of Thom's more interesting guitar workouts, with some especially nice sounds coming from Ed working his pedals to get some serious fuzz out of his bass. If my memory serves me right the last time I saw them I had been impressed by their stage presence, especially Thom's, and tonight was no different, with both Thom and Ed leaving the stage to pace predatorially amongst the crowd. This was topped during their last track where Thom pulled himself up onto the bar and played the rest of the song standing above the punters, much to the concern of the barmaid. All in all, a good solid performance which left me with a smile on my face. The only negative I could find, if I was to get picky, was that often their levels were too far in the red, and Thom's excellent guitar work gets lost in the ensuing wall of noise, which is a real shame.
Last up this evening are Nuneaten lot Youves. I've seen Youves a number of times over the last few months and I always find them great fun to watch. They play a sleazy, spikey dance-punk which joins the dots between Fugazi and A Certain Ratio, and despite several problems with the microphones, they deliver the goods. From the frentic guitar interplay between Michael and Alex, to Luke's funk-infused bass lines, Youves really are the total package. Again, presence is everything, and there is enough going on to keep your eyes busy. There is something about the way Stephen squares up to the microphone, before taking it in his hands and pretty much gyrating against it that could be considered perverse, but it's so visually arresting that I for one won't be making any complaints. Alongside material from last year's Holy Roar mini-album the band played several new songs which fitted seamlessly amongst their older, more well known tracks. Of course, as is often the way with a Youves show, by the end of their set they have stripped off their shirts, and are drenched in sweat, launching themselves around the tiny stage regardless of health and safety.
So, there you have it. A top show, made even more enjoyable by the fact it cost nothing at all to get in. It did however take me nearly 2 hours to get home due to M6 closures though. Swings and roundabouts right? And I mustn't forget to give kudos to the DJ of the evening who played 586's 'We Got Bored' which I hadn't heard in a long, long time, and is an awesome tune. Thankyou Other Woman's Club DJ!!
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